The University of New Mexico Center for Memory & Aging is located on an expansive mesa a mile above sea level in the sunny city of Albuquerque. Principal Investigator, Gary Rosenberg, MD, has an extensive career in vascular cognitive impairment and is credited with discovering the role of matrix-metalloproteinases (MMPs) in disruption of the blood brain barrier (BBB). Co-PI, Arvind Caprihan, PhD, is an MRI Physicist for the Mind Research Network. He is an expert in multivariate statistical methods applied to understanding neuroimaging data from different modalities. Together, these scientists lead the UNM site for the MarkVCID consortium, with a UNM site-specific goal of improving diagnosis in patients with dementia by using biomarkers and machine learning.
Study Recruitment
The UNM site has an ambitious goal of recruiting 200 participants for the MarkVCID consortium. New Mexico is a diverse state, with 50.1% of its population Hispanic/Latino. Therefore, a major goal of the UNM site is to provide opportunities for diverse communities to participate in brain health research so better tools and treatments can be developed for more people. Beyond recruiting from UNM’s thriving Memory & Aging Clinic (which will be moving to its new facilities in January 2023), they will heavily rely on community engagement and outreach to encourage interest in research participation and vascular/brain health.
Study Members