The University of Southern California (USC) team is based in Los Angeles, California, and is led by USC Keck School of Medicine co-PIs Danny J.J. Wang, PhD, MSCE, Professor of Neurology and Radiology (neuroimaging and MRI), John M. Ringman, MD, MS, Professor of Clinical Neurology, (clinical evaluation) and Amir H. Kashani, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology from Johns Hopkins University (post-mortem studies).
Study Recruitment
Capitalizing on the high racial diversity in Los Angeles, our USC team plans to enroll a multiethnic longitudinal cohort of 200 participants that are enriched for small vessel VCID, including 100 Latinx participants from the Los Angeles Latino Eye Study (LALES), 50 African American participants enrolled in the African American Eye Disease Study (AFEDS), and 50 Caucasian participants from the Clinical Core of the USC ADRC and the San Gabriel Valley cohort. We have built a multiethnic team of investigators, technical staff, research coordinators, and community outreach staff to streamline enrollment, achieve recruitment milestones, and perform longitudinal follow-up studies.
Study Members
The USC study team also consists of Jason Hinman, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Neurology, University of California Los Angeles (fluid biomarkers) and additional investigators from USC Keck School of Medicine, Xuejuan Jiang, PhD, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology (recruitment and biostatistics), Lina D’Orazio, PhD, Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurology (neuropsychological evaluation, bilingual), Collin Y. Liu, MD, Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurology (clinical evaluation, bilingual), Michael G. Harrington, MB, ChB, Professor of Research Neurology (recruitment and clinical evaluation), and Marlene Casey, MPH, Senior Project Manager (project coordinator and recruitment, bilingual).